We just got back last night from a road trip to Las Vegas! I was still sick and recovering so I can’t say it was “a blast” but the kids had fun! Haha. This was the only picture I posted on Instagram and it was nice to not worry about taking pictures and documenting our trip but just focusing on having fun and spending time together as a family!
I was just telling Jay how a vacation isn’t really a vacation with kids, it’s just pure exhaustion! And you just do what the kids want to do the whole trip, not what you want to do, so the whole trip is just based on the kids and not yourself. But I guess that’s what parenthood is right? The world revolves around the kids. Yay…. haha
“Ugh. Little kids are so selfish. They think the whole world revolves around them!” I thought to myself on our drive back home from our recent road trip when our 2 yr. old kept yelling, “Dad!!! Dad!!! Daddy!” trying to get Jay’s attention who was sitting next to him, attempting to take a short nap. No matter how many times I explained to him that daddy was tired after driving and needed a quick nap, to not wake him up, he didn’t care.
As both of my hands were firmly gripped on the steering wheel, trying to get my family home alive in the midst of the heavy storm on a pitch black night, I felt agitated. And annoyed.
Then a thought came to my mind. “Babies are born selfish(for survival skills), but they learn to be selfless and considerate through you. As they see you serving them day after day, as they see you put themselves first before you, as you love them through all the tantrums and the messes, they learn that they’re lovable no matter what, that they’ll be forgiven no matter what, that they’ll be embraced no matter what. They realize they’re loved and lovable always and that’s how they gain self confidence and self love. Only after you learn to love yourself can you truly love others. So yes, they might act like the whole world revolves around them, but only through you as a caregiver giving unconditional, selfless love will he learn to love himself, to care for others and be considerate of others. He needs to receive it first in order for him to give it to others.”
Dear Sarah, thank you for those thoughts! I think you have a point there 🙂 All the best! nina